Church Security: Don't aggravate – learn to de-escalate
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Church Security: Don't aggravate – learn to de-escalate

After several high-profile attacks, church security has moved from the backburner to the front row. Pastors and leaders understand they have a responsibility to protect their congregations. But sometimes a key component of security gets lost in the shuffle: de-escalation. You win 100% of the fights you never have. A security team skilled in de-escalation can prevent violence, collateral damage and self-harm. Instead of yielding confrontation, de-escalation defuses. Done right, your congregation may never know anything transpired. Join us in this free webinar with Vaughn Baker of Strategos International to learn more about church security and de-escalation.

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Webinar: Help Wanted! Find capable employees committed to your cause
10:00 AM10:00

Webinar: Help Wanted! Find capable employees committed to your cause

All industries struggle to find quality employees. But churches, houses of worship and nonprofits need more than “warm bodies” filling seats. They’re seeking people of competence, conviction and character. Oh, and they need all this on a budget. Is it easy? No. Is it possible? Yes! In this free webinar you’ll learn tips from HR professionals about how to keep, reach and hire difference makers. This webinar will also include guidance on determining appropriate pay and benefits.

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Webinar: Should your church run like a business? Yes! And no.
10:00 AM10:00

Webinar: Should your church run like a business? Yes! And no.

Should churches and other houses of worship run like a business? Yes! And also no. In some respects, churches are nothing like businesses: They’re tax-exempt nonprofits. But in other respects, congregations can glean wisdom from the business world that makes their missions more effective. Join us in this free webinar to learn more.

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From Podium to Parking Lot: Reserve Studies Create a Plan for Replacement
10:00 AM10:00

From Podium to Parking Lot: Reserve Studies Create a Plan for Replacement

Churches and nonprofits can stabilize their insurance premiums by maintaining their properties. Poorly maintained facilities pose higher risks to insurers and could lead to increased premiums or loss of coverage. Proper upkeep, supported by reserve studies, helps organizations plan and budget for predictable property maintenance and repairs, avoiding costly emergencies and ensuring continued insurance coverage. Join us for this free webinar with Matthew Swain of Association Reserves.

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Webinar: Church and Nonprofit Facilities – Maintain and Gain
10:00 AM10:00

Webinar: Church and Nonprofit Facilities – Maintain and Gain

Preventative facility maintenance requires a consistent investment of time and money on the part of leadership staff and volunteers. Once the breadth of this commitment is understood, it often stalls out in committee and is discarded as a good idea for some other day. While churches, other houses of worship and nonprofits find maintenance optimal, it’s often neglected. Join us in this free webinar and learn how to turn good intentions into reality.

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Powerful partnerships: How churches and nonprofits can team up to change the world
10:00 AM10:00

Powerful partnerships: How churches and nonprofits can team up to change the world

Long-term, productive partnerships between houses of worship and nonprofits are the exception, not the norm. How can we change that? In this webinar, we’ll be joined by Scott Harris, vice president of Church and Global Engagement with Mission Increase. Scott, a former missions pastor, is passionate about and experienced in joining churches and nonprofit organizations for greater missional impact. Scott will share case studies of churches and nonprofits that united for good and the details that made these partnerships tick.

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Webinar: Let’s Get Serious About Protecting Children and Youth
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Webinar: Let’s Get Serious About Protecting Children and Youth

The leading reason churches are sued is over sexual misconduct. This vulnerability has tattered many reputations. While everyone thinks “it could never happen here,” this is wishful thinking. How can churches and nonprofits become a safe haven for children? A trifecta of screening, training and policies can lead to a hard-earned reputation as a place that truly cares about youth safety.

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Renting Your Church Building to Outside Groups: Risks and Rewards
10:00 AM10:00

Renting Your Church Building to Outside Groups: Risks and Rewards

While leasing your church facility to outside groups can be a positive experience, there are also risks to be aware of. Depending on your circumstances, leasing your building could (1) result in having to pay federal income tax on rental income (2) paying property taxes (3) leave you open to litigation alleging discrimination. Join us for this free webinar and learn the risks and rewards.

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Turning Liabilities Into Opportunities: Church Facilities Reimagined
10:00 AM10:00

Turning Liabilities Into Opportunities: Church Facilities Reimagined

Some churches have an abundance of people, but no permanent place to meet. Other churches have an abundance of space, but few people. The same can be true of nonprofits, with some needing to downsize and others seeking more space. These scenarios can be viewed as problems, but our guests in this webinar are in the business of seeing them as possibilities.

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Webinar: Training your church board of directors
10:00 AM10:00

Webinar: Training your church board of directors

Nonprofit boards of all sorts are famous (or infamous) for dysfunction. These boards also rarely receive training. Is there a connection? We think so. Although board positions are non-compensated, they play a valuable (and legally-mandated) role in the life of a church. Training equips them to succeed. This webinar is for pastors, church administrators, board members and other leaders who would benefit from an understanding of the key roles and responsibilities of church boards.

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Webinar: Effective Marketing and Communications for Churches and Nonprofits
10:00 AM10:00

Webinar: Effective Marketing and Communications for Churches and Nonprofits

Houses of worship and nonprofits run the gamut from megachurches with a ubiquitous online presence to a food bank with a clunky website built in 2008. But regardless of an organization’s size, cause-oriented communications can be successful when they employ a laser-like focus on the basics. This webinar will explain essential items every organization needs in its communication toolkit.

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Webinar: Creating a culture of generosity
10:00 AM10:00

Webinar: Creating a culture of generosity

Sometimes houses of worship and nonprofits rise to the occasion for a singular fund-raiser or building campaign, and this is commendable. But what’s needed is a 52-week-per-year strategy that ultimately creates a culture of generosity. This culture looks beyond its own walls and seeks to give toward and partner with nonprofits and the greater community.

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Webinar: Church policies and procedures for the 21st century
10:00 AM10:00

Webinar: Church policies and procedures for the 21st century

Policies and procedures are the written manual for day-to-day operations. Some churches fail to create written policies, and that can lead to inconsistency. This off-and-on application of the rules can lead to intra-church conflict and the appearance of preferential treatment. This webinar will cover key provisions policies should include and updates to consider.

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Webinar: Countering the top three threats to church security
10:00 AM10:00

Webinar: Countering the top three threats to church security

Most churches today understand that church security is essential and that training for security teams is mandatory. Because of limitations on time and funding, it’s important to train for the types of incidents that are most likely to occur. In this webinar, we’ll identify and give guidance on the top three threats to security at churches and houses of worship.

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Crisis Communications 101: Speaking for your cause when things don't go as planned
10:00 AM10:00

Crisis Communications 101: Speaking for your cause when things don't go as planned

Like it or not, when the spotlight is on us, we’re representing our congregation, cause or faith tradition to the world. Effective crisis communications don’t just happen. When a controversial situation is handled with confidence and clarity, it’s because a team strategized – well before there was a crisis – about how to respond. While it’s impossible to be fully prepared for every conceivable event, that doesn’t mean we can’t be prepared for anything at all. In addition, the process of planning for crisis communications creates a template that can be used in any circumstance. Join us for this free webinar and equip your organization to respond effectively in a crisis.

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Webinar: Workplace violence mandates for California's nonprofit sector
10:00 AM10:00

Webinar: Workplace violence mandates for California's nonprofit sector

Churches and nonprofit organizations are familiar with the threat of violence breaking out during worship services or public events. A new California law, however, requires them to look at violence through the lens of the workplace. Senate Bill 553, signed into law Sept. 30, 2023, mandates businesses, churches and other nonprofits comply by July 1, 2024. While these organizations aren’t typically thought of as workplaces, they are places of employment subject to labor laws.

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