Churches, nonprofits and communities benefit when members learn how to become consistent, generous givers.
“If it is truly more blessed to give than to receive, we deprive our members and community if we fail to champion the art of generous giving.”
Churches and charitable nonprofits have a paradoxical relationship with fund-raising and stewardship. Often, they desperately need resources. But they either don’t know how to ask for money or aren’t willing to take the risk of doing so. Sometimes houses of worship and nonprofits rise to the occasion for a singular fund-raiser or building campaign, and this is commendable. But what’s needed is a 52-week-per-year strategy that ultimately creates a culture of generosity. This culture looks beyond its own walls and seeks to give toward and partner with nonprofits and the greater community. Join us for this free webinar to learn how to create a culture of generosity.
Scott Harris is vice president of Church and Global Engagement with Mission Increase. Mission Increase coaches and consults with faith-based nonprofits to help them flourish – all at no charge to the ministry. Scott’s specific role is to help nonprofits and churches work better together to disciple God’s people to reach all peoples. Born in San Jose, Calif., Scott grew up as a missionary kid in the Caribbean and then lived in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong as a student minister and church planter with the International Mission Board (IMB). From 2009 –2017, Scott served as an IMB Trustee and was Trustee Chairman in 2016-2017. For 18 years he served as Missions Pastor at Brentwood Baptist Church in Brentwood, Tenn.
Scott also serves as Chairman of the Board for Deaf Pathway Global –; Deaf Pathway is bringing God’s Word to millions of Deaf people around the world through innovative Bible translation and technology twinned with church planting strategies. Scott lives in Brentwood with his wife, Beth, and two children, Elizabeth and Jonathan. Beth was born in Taiwan to missionary parents and spent 30 years in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China.