Don't "court" litigation with lax child oversight


put child safety at the top of your agenda.

The words “back to school” can elicit dread or relief, depending on whether you’re a child, parent or teacher.

But whether school’s in session or out, it’s always a prudent time to scrutinize the way your organization protects children in its care. Whether you serve a school, church, or sports league, children are a great joy – but also a source of major potential liabilities.

The number one reason churches are sued is over the sexual abuse of a minor. This shocking fact should alert us that not everyone in our churches, leagues and classrooms has children’s best interests in mind.

Experts tell us child predators look the same as the rest of us. They do not display observable personality characteristics that are unusual or alarming. In addition, churches and nonprofits inhabit a world where people generally desire to think the best of everyone. Therefore, the idea that Mr. Volunteer could be a child predator is the furthest thing from our minds.

Because this threat is ‘invisible,’ we have to act against it in other ways.

create a zero-tolerance environment for child abuse

A few frontline actions should be a part of every organization’s child protection policy:

A criminal background check is essential for anyone working with children at a church or nonprofit.

Every children’s volunteer and staff member must undergo a criminal background check. No exceptions. Yes, this has a cost, but what is the price of not doing it?

Every children’s volunteer and staff member must undergo child safety training. There are many excellent training programs available, including those offered by MinistrySafe.

Everyone who works with children must participate in ongoing child safety training.

Policies, at minimum, should require two unrelated adults to be present with children in your care. These policies should be written; verbal policies won’t stand up in court (and – more importantly – are ineffective).

Cameras can add an extra layer of protection for churches and nonprofits who work with children.

Cameras in classrooms can be an additional deterrent.

• Finally, ensure your organization’s liability coverage provides for a defense against sexual misconduct. Otherwise, defending yourself could lead to bankruptcy, even if you’re 100% innocent.

Caring for children presents risks, but the opportunity to improve a child’s life often outweighs them. Today is an opportunity for a fresh look at your child safety practices. Don’t miss the moment.


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Ministry Pacific is an insurance broker devoted to serving churches and charitable nonprofits. We’re different from your insurer. We’re not insurance agents. Agents work for an insurance company. As a broker, we work for you. We are free to explore creative solutions to your problems. We also assist with claims when you need to file one with your insurer. Our services are free. Questions? Please contact us.


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